CM3 Strategic Partners

Grow Up Grow Out serves as CM3’s national training partner, serving various communities engaged in credible messenger mentoring work.

Community Connections for Youth partners with CM3 to develop training curricula and capacity-building processes to support the development of credible messenger mentoring initiatives.

Burns Institute collaborates with CM3 in communities across the nation to advance the impact of credible messenger mentoring and the overall transformation of youth justice systems.
CM3 Collaboration Sites
CM3 collaboration sites are communities where CM3 partners with community and government leaders to advance credible messenger initiatives. These collaborations meet stakeholders where they are in their Credible Messenger journey and partner with them by providing an array of support, including consultation, training, capacity building, program implementation, and technical assistance.

Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles County: Youth Justice Reimagined
3530 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90010
San Francisco, CA
Success Centers
2577 MacArthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94602
San Francisco Juvenile Probation
375 Woodside Ave
San Francisco, CA 94127
Hinds County / Jackson, MS
Strong Arms of Mississippi
520 Sykes Rd
Jackson, MS 39212
Hinds County Juvenile Court
407 E Pascagoula, PO Box 327
Jackson, MS 39205
Hudson County / Jersey City, NJ
Guazabara Insights
604 Communipaw Ave
Jersey City, NJ 07304
Hudson County Department of Health & Human Services
360 Martin Luther King Dr #1
Jersey City, NJ 07304
Columbia, SC
Path 2 Redemption
Columbia, SC
South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice
4900 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29212
Alameda County / Oakland CA
Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth
1733 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612
Alameda County Probation Department
1111 Jackson Street
Oakland, CA 94607-2059
Washington State
Northwest Credible Messenger
500 South 336th St. Suite # 102
Federal Way, WA 98003
Houston, TX
Collective Action 4 Youth
410 Sul Ross St
Houston, TX 77006
Harlem, NY
Living Redemption Youth Opportunity Hub
302 W 124th St
New York, NY 10027
Orange County / Orlando FL
Orange County Community & Family Services
2100 E. Michigan St.
Orlando, FL 32806
Richmond, VA
Uhuru Foundation
2101 Maywill St
Richmond, VA 23230
New Orleans, LA
Orleans Parish Juvenile Courts
1100 Milton St, New Orleans, LA 70112
State of Georgia / Atlanta GA
Southeast Credible Messenger
Atlanta, GA
How can I collaborate with CM3?
Organizations interested in learning more or becoming a certified Credible Messenger partner can complete the interest form and will be contacted for consideration